
Straight Up

Ditching the Chaos: A Solopreneur’s Blueprint to Conquer Overwhelm"

Published 4 months ago • 6 min read

Ditching the Chaos: A Solopreneur’s Blueprint to Conquer Overwhelm

Read Time: 4 minutes

Wow. Thank you. You all delivered. I received fantastic feedback and questions about solopreneurship, branding, personal branding, and brand messaging. If you'd like to provide your two cents, here's the LINK.

Thanks to Claudia for today's newsletter topic - Avoiding Overwhelm as a Solopreneur

I remember when I first started my business. There was so much to do.

  • Marketing
  • Write emails
  • Create optins
  • Build funnels
  • Create content
  • Work with my clients

I often wondered how I was going to get it all done. Where would I start?

All I really wanted was for someone to tell me - Do this next.

Wait, this wasn't when I started my business. This was last week.

So there I was, at a bar in Tucson, AZ, soaking up the sun, drink in hand, when BAM! My to-do list (the one above) hit me like a tequila shot – fast and overwhelming.

The good news is it doesn't have to be this way.

You can beat away overwhelm and focus on driving outcomes instead. Here are nine things you can do to put overwhelm back in its cage.

1. Set Clear Goals and Priorities

Setting goals isn't just some corporate mumbo-jumbo; it's like having a GPS for your business. Without it, you're just driving around hoping to stumble upon success. Instead, you should:

Create a Personal Board Review (PBR): I've recently started helping clients create their own Personal Board Review. Your PBR is a 30-day check-in with yourself and your goals. During the board review, you reflect on the previous 30 days and set goals for the next 30 days.

Set SMART Goals: A goal that's not smart is probably a dream, so make your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. There's a reason this framework has been around forever, and when you use it to create your PBR, it's magic.

2. Time Management

Shit! Squirrel. I can't count the number of times those pesky squirrels come to visit during the day. But here's the truth about the squirrels - I trained them to come to me by aimlessly scrolling through the day.

Time management is all about focus. If you ain't got it, the squirrels be coming. The techniques below help.

The Pomodoro Technique (PT): While this technique requires having a tomato handy, it works by having you work in focused intervals (25 - 50 minutes) before taking a break. The PT can increase your productivity and prevent fatigue. Tip: Put your devices in Focus mode when in PT mode.

Time Blocking (TB): It's funny. I used to travel the world telling suppliers to stop batching and start building one at a time. Now, as a solopreneur, batching is the only way to get things done.

With the TB technique, you schedule blocks of time for specific tasks or types of work - think content creation, thinking time, marketing, you know, all the things you don't have time to do but know you need to.

3. Delegate and Outsource

"But I can't afford it" is a common statement from solopreneurs. But before you cry in your drink like I did, look at your Amazon splurges. If you're like me, your closet is full of little Amazonian treasures that could have funded a part-time VA.

To avoid creating a future garage sale, write down all the time-consuming tasks you do in a week, minus scroll time. Now ask yourself, how many of those tasks must be done by you?

Hint: The answer is not all of them.

Those tasks are an opportunity to free up time to focus on your core business activities.

Freelance Platforms: Consider platforms like Upwork or Fiverr and find freelancers who can take over those tasks.

Virtual Assistants: Hire a virtual assistant to handle administrative tasks like scheduling, email management, or social media.

4. Take Breaks and Rest

Skipping breaks? That's like skipping the ice in a whiskey sour. Schedule them like they're the most important client meeting of your day.

Regular breaks are essential for preventing burnout to finding your creative juices, so make sure you're scheduling time for relaxation and hobbies.

Schedule Breaks: Set alarms to take breaks throughout the day. At the very least, stop dismissing your watch at 50 minutes in the hour, and instead, get up, walk to the mini-bar, and pour yourself a glass of water.

Leisure Activities: If you need to put these in your calendar, do it, but be sure to engage in activities you enjoy, such as reading, walking, or hobbies so you can relax and destress.

5. Stay Organized

For me, disorganization and messes are bigger distractors than the bloody squirrels. Look at the sticky notes on your computer, the paper files on your desk, all of the files you have on your desktop, the empty glass from yesterday's journal session, and go clean that sh*t up!

A survey by Interact found that people spend nearly 20% of their time looking for information, just looking. 20% - that's one day. Talk about overwhelm, that's like 12 years of your life. Go ahead. Do the math. I dare you.

Digital Tools: Use tools like Apple Notes, ClickUp, or Asana for organizing tasks, projects, and notes. Don't overthink this, or you will end up with every piece of software known to humans; this can turn into a huge rabbit hole.

Physical Organization: Regularly organize your workspace to keep it clutter-free and maintain a filing system for important documents.

BTW - Can you imagine if a bartender had to spend 20% of their shift looking for ingredients? You'd never go to that place again.

6. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is like telling your clients, 'Hey, I love ya, but let's not turn this into a 24/7 thing. Fix this by setting:

Defined Work Hours: Define your working hours like a bar sets its closing time – firm and non-negotiable.

Communication Rules: Inform clients, colleagues, and children about your working hours and the times you will be available for a chat. Once set, don't bend them. Even Excaliber will break if it's bent enough.

7. Network and Seek Support

Solopreneuring doesn't mean solitary. Get out there, mingle, and swap tales – it's like a happy hour for your business brain.

Join Online Communities: Engage in online forums or social media groups related to your industry to connect with peers.

Attend Networking Events: Get out and "Press the Flesh." Participate in local meetups, workshops, conferences, or a Geeks Who Drink night out and start building a supportive network.

8. Defined Systems

Defining your systems is about doing less but doing it better – like a bartender who knows her cocktails inside out or your signature process that you can whip up blindfolded.

Standardize business systems: When I was a Six Sigma black belt, my job was to help businesses cut waste from their processes, usually by reviewing their current state (a mess), then defining a future state and locking it in. Do the same for processes you repeat often. Always ask, where is the waste you can remove.

Create a Signature System: Many solopreneurs get overwhelmed because of one simple thing: they are doing too much. If your processes change every time you get a new client, you are doing too much. When you have a single, well-defined process, overwhelm melts away because you know exactly what you're doing every single time.

9. Review and Adjust

Remember the PBR in item one? You must regularly review business strategies, goals, and systems to keep overwhelm in check. In my case, that means every thirty days.

Conduct Monthly PBRs: Schedule time each month (I usually do mine on or around the 25th) to conduct a Personal Board Review. You'll review your business progress, financials, and strategies during the session. Are you on track to meet your SMART goals?

Feedback Loops: Seek feedback from mentors, peers, and especially clients. Be open to making adjustments based on their insights.

Like the perfect cocktail, being a solopreneur is about finding that sweet balance, not juggling everything until you drop. Recognize your limits, and don't overcommit.

Maintaining that balance helps you avoid feeling overwhelmed, and while not absolute, these tips will help you manage workloads, reduce stress, and improve your efficiency as a sole proprietor.

drink of the week

Espresso Martini

Flashback to the 80s: big hair, bold trends, and the birth of the Espresso Martini, a zesty mix of vodka, espresso, and coffee liqueur. It's had its ups and downs, from the toast of the 'tini era to a nearly-forgotten joke, and now back with a caffeinated vengeance.


  • 2 ounces vodka
  • 1/2 ounce coffee liqueur (usually Kahlúa)
  • 1 ounce espresso, freshly brewed (or cold brew concentrate)
  • 1/4 ounce simple syrup
  • Garnish: coffee beans


  1. Add vodka, coffee liqueur, espresso and simple syrup to a shaker filled with ice and shake until well-chilled.
  2. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
  3. Garnish with 3 coffee beans.




Sole Proprietor of The Distilled Brand

Before you go

If you found this nugget of wisdom useful, you might enjoy some of the other free resources I currently share or will soon share on other channels.

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Straight Up

I helped 600+ founders find clarity, focus, and alignment in their message, offer, and content to boost their brand awareness and engagement.

Join 500+ sole proprietors getting no-nonsense insights every Friday from one solopreneur to another on branding, brand messaging, and personal branding and how they connect to everything you do.

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